G'day Forum,
before we ask for changes on the size and shape of TL kit neck pup cavity sizes best we have a vote first on the forum.
Currently the neck pickup route is too large to fit a standard humbucker ring to cover the hole so you have 2 options - use the pickguard or fill the hole and re-route to a humbucker or single coil shape cavity.
Forumites can you please vote what you would prefer the neck pup cavity on all TL kits, 1, 2 or 3 please
1. Leave it as it is
2. Humbucker size route so a standard pup ring covers the hole and screw holes are in the timber area
3. Single coil route so single coil pup rings fit
I've put some example pics below of options 2 & 3
As Andrew O has pointed out if we went for option 3 the single coil route you can always route that out to a humbucker size but obviously not the other way around.
Of course if option 3 was the go then would have to make sure the single coil route lines up with the pickguard hole !