I've read on the forum that its advisable to line the cavities with copper tape; should the tape on the sides of cavity be joined to the base ( blob of solder) and then should the whole cavity be connected to the guitar earth?
I've read on the forum that its advisable to line the cavities with copper tape; should the tape on the sides of cavity be joined to the base ( blob of solder) and then should the whole cavity be connected to the guitar earth?
Short Answer: Yes
Longer Answer: The connection (i.e. conductivity) between the sides and bottom tape is dependant on a few factors, type of copper tape, what sort of adhesive it uses, etc.
In a true Faraday Shield for RF uses, which the tape is trying to emulate, it is normal to solder all the seams from end to end.
For a guitar, ensuring that the side and bottom are connected should be enough. Use your Ohm-meter (multimeter) to check it out.
Others will now chime in and shoot me down
Have a look at the cavities of some of the other builds.
For most the tape itself has been sufficient, no need to solder the joins (but it wont hurt)
Stan's LP Build for my Sister: http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...ead.php?t=3146
Benson Pickup Strat mod: http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...ead.php?t=5229
Epiphone LP headstock fix: http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...ead.php?t=3410
Martin Backpacker Repair: http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...?t=5038&page=3
'57 Harmony Jazz guitar project: http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...ead.php?t=2972
I normally wrap a bit of tape over the top of the body under the scratch plate to pick up the shielding where the controls are, gives a contiguous earth.
But do you connect the pickup cavities to the control cavity and the control plate? to complete the earth circuit?
Thanks for the answers.....Jeff
A bit of shielding overhang on the bridge pup cavity will connect it to the bridge plate, which should then be grounded by the bridge plate ground wire. A wire (ideally, soldered) linking the neck pup cavity shielding to the control cavity shielding, and then an overhang on the control cavity shielding at one of the screws will link the whole thing to the control plate... which in turn should link the pot grounds together and to your common ground point or jack ground.
That makes to much sense; why didn't I think of that? Thanks Scott.....Jeff
This is what I mean by overhang.