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Thread: My "Band"

  1. #1
    Member rockmof's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    My "Band"

    Some of you may recall the post early this year about a DigiTech pedal called a "TRIO". Well they were to be released in the USA in March.
    I was in Hawaii in March, but they didn't have them, sob sob.
    Checked out the music shops in aussie after I got back and was told September by the supplier.
    My daughters knew I wanted one so, for my birthday, they sent to USA and it came a few days later. Only problem the power supply was for 110 volts but not a problem as my boss works well.

    Anway here is a little demo of a little of what It can do.

    There are 3 short tracks, I think I made the "learning" chords a simple "A" for 4 measures. It gives me 9 different styles to choose from 7 different genre.I have set it on "Rock" and selected styles 3. 4. &6. positions 1 through 9 are 4/4, 10 - 12 3/4.
    First there is just the Bass then just the drums and finally the bass & drums together.

    Looks like they need to go on to sound cloud.

    There was another one but apparently it is too big, strange it is the same as the others.
    A bit about this. Notice the 2 inputs on the right, front is for guitar back is for a control switch (which I have "T" up but not ordered yet.
    2 out puts on the left. front into plug into an amplifier, back for a mixer. If both inputs are used the guitar goes to the front while bass & drums through the mixer.
    In the 2nd pic 5 knobs, style is top right, genre top left middle is tempo, middle is (say 10) left is slower, right faster. If you happen to play a "lesson" at 3 o'clock and move the pedal back to centre that become the original speed. Centre is always the "learning" speed.
    Bottom right is drum volume left bass volume.
    There are 5 lights along the top left light is guitar FX off, no fx, green rhythm (learning) fx red is lead fx. This fx changes to suit the genre selected.
    next 3 lights are part lights, 3 parts can be learnt by the trio e.g. verse, choose, and bridge. selectable bt the control (plug in) switch or by pressing the light. pressing the light at any time will change to the next part only when the playing part finishes.
    Left light is AltTime, it flashes in time with the beat or changes the speed by double or half.
    I'll try to put the other demo up soon. Maybe I'm out of cloud space (?)

    I think it's a smart pedal, although restricted by only doing one tune at a time, each new tune needs to be "learnt" and the current raised.

  2. #2
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    it sure is an interesting sounding piece of gear, enjoy

  3. #3
    Overlord of Music kimball492's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Rockmof, great as a solo performer for backing tracks or just drum beats for practice.

  4. #4
    Member rockmof's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Gold Coast
    Hey Kimball, not much good for a bass player but for an old guy like meat's great.
    At least they won't sack me, although I'm not too sure about that. I can see the add in the local paper
    "BAND (BASS AND DRUMS) REQUIRES GUITARIST, must have own transport to move our equipment as we have no arms or legs"
    or something like that.

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