Public holidays are great, they give us a chance to see family, eat and drink nice things and of course not go to work! However, they can also be a time to do some of the things you’ve been putting off for days, weeks, months or even years. The reason a lot of us lose our creative mojo is simply we don't create an environment for new ideas, so here are five ways to give it a boost.
Rest Is Essential For Creatives To Flourish
Burn out can steal all your creativity, it saps passion and energy - the two things that fuel your talent. So if you have a few days to do nothing, then you may want to try doing exactly that. I recently moved from London to Ireland and now have the beach 5 minutes away, each day I take the dog walking on it and each day new songs are appearing 'as if by magic.' No magic, it's hard to fill something that's already full, you need to empty it first and rest allows you to empty yourself of the things that block ideas.
What Did You Last Read?
Most creatives don’t even know where their user manuals are, let alone read them. Here’s the good news, I’m not talking about reading the user manuals, find a great novel or history book, some poetry or a great biography. I read a Seth Godin book on Marketing called 'The Icarus Deception' and whilst reading I was thinking about flying too close to the sun. Ideas can come from any type of book, so grab one and by the end of the book you’ll have a hundred new ideas running around your head!
Watch Another Creative's Work
You know all those box sets of DVDs with the dust sitting an inch high on them? They are not collectors items waiting to go on Ebay, they are creative output from someone with different ideas to you. Watch a few movies, episodes of that series you’ve never got around to watching or even a animated movie and as you laugh, cry or watch in wonder your mind will come alive to new possibilities.
Learning - The Best Investment
Learning, the only thing you'll spend money on in your studio that won't depreciate - it’s never a waste, only an investment. That is why we do all we can to support and promote learning companies like Groove 3 and PureMix. Head over and watch the FREE stuff, or even better spend some money on their excellent content.
Get Fit - Stay Sharp
How on earth can I suggest this during a holiday? Well even if you eat drink and be merry you can still make time to go for a walk after dinner, a family hike on one of the days, swim or even make a resolution to lose some weight and get in shape. Take it from me, losing my weight has helped me sleep better, feel more alive, have more energy and think sharper - all things a creative genius needs (I'm not sure how thin I have to be for the genius to kick in).
If you take the 5 tips above seriously then you’ll find yourself with new ideas, new energy and more creative mojo than Mr Mojo from Mojotown.