Ive got a guitar I built . It's one of those that when you play it .its just sounds amazing but playing it action wise
it feels like a pig. I tried plastic shims, wooden shims ,card .Nothing seemed to work as it was just a smallish amount
And never liked that the above never gave me a tight joint. I just wanted my strings to touch the last fret with bridge in lowest position.
Then my good lady suggested that copper stuff on your bench ( clever bugger ) it is brilliant you can add layers it's easy to cut and shape If you need more near bridge end just put more at that point. Great for bolted necks . Not sure the glue would stick to it on a set neck,maybe it would. I just Love the way it compacts sits between the join and gives me such fine control . The other is because it's so thin you can put slightly more on the treble side to bring the neck into that just perfect height. So I have to say thankyou to The Mrs. One other thing if you guys have used it before , why did you keep it a secret lol. Hope it helps