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Thread: Amps and DI

  1. #1
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Amps and DI

    So based off the previous discussion about DI, what are you guitar and bass amp setup preferences?

    For guitar I'd like to run a pair of Marshall stacks
    For bass I'd run two heads, both going to DI and each going to a separate 410 and 115 stack.... Maybe a third stack, why not? :P

    I do like DI for bass, I always would prefer to DI off the head instead of DI off the board.... And nope I do not care about what you lot say I have heard a rig similar to what I want in my rig and it sounds quite nice to my ears and is a lot more portable too!

  2. #2
    Mentor Nickosaurus's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Is this like a dream set up or what we actually have?

  3. #3
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Can be for both Nicko, what I posted is my dream setup, my current setup is just a tiny 10W amp haha

  4. #4
    Mentor Nickosaurus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Oh right.

    My dream live rig:
    Mesa MkV/ENGL Savage
    ENGL closed back 4x12 w/ v30s
    Eventide delay/reverb
    Fuzz factory
    Vox wah


  5. #5
    Current rig is 1 orange bass terror 1000 and 1 eden nemesis NA-650 into 2x15 and 2 - 4x10 custom boxes.

    Tempted by the new orange OB-1 heads and would love a vintage ampeg all tube head. Also thinking of changing to an 18 and a 4 x 8 quad for a greater tonal spread.

  6. #6
    Mentor Nickosaurus's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Yeah my current rig is a '9x Fender Hot Rod Deluxe A/B'd with an Orange Jim Root Terror and an Orange 1x12 with a v30/closed back

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Brisbane, Australia
    Yes! my thread inspired a discussion, woohoo :P

    currently i run my guitar through my pedal board and through a roland 30watt guitar amp, nothing special until i get my new amp built.

    my dream setup would be a marshall stack running a nice JCM 800 through it, would sounnd siiick!
    For some things, some times, it's the same time all over the world, and I think we know what time that is...

  8. #8
    Mmm fender and orange sounds like a good mix Nick. Haven't actually heard the Jim Root terrors but the orange range is such a sweet rock sound. Always been a fender man.

  9. #9
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtSlash123 View Post
    Yes! my thread inspired a discussion, woohoo :P

    currently i run my guitar through my pedal board and through a roland 30watt guitar amp, nothing special until i get my new amp built.

    my dream setup would be a marshall stack running a nice JCM 800 through it, would sounnd siiick!
    My two dream heads are a modded JCM800 and the Victory Silverback (Rob Chapman \m/)

    I've heard (and played) the Jim Root Terror.... Quite a fun amp to play!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by keloooe View Post
    So based off the previous discussion about DI, what are you guitar and bass amp setup preferences?

    For guitar I'd like to run a pair of Marshall stacks
    For bass I'd run two heads, both going to DI and each going to a separate 410 and 115 stack.... Maybe a third stack, why not? :P

    I do like DI for bass, I always would prefer to DI off the head instead of DI off the board.... And nope I do not care about what you lot say I have heard a rig similar to what I want in my rig and it sounds quite nice to my ears and is a lot more portable too!
    I would recommend if you are going to have different amps for bass, make the stacks the same cabinets. E.g. One stack all 15's, one stack all 10's.

    The 1x15 + 4x10 stack is a fallacy. Speaker size tells you only one thing, how big the speaker is. A 15 is not specifically better for low end. In fact the 15 likely has better and far less directional high end while the 4x10 likely has better bass. If you stack them you will put more power into the 15 while the 4x10 loafs - making the 15 cabinet the limiting factor in the stack which you then do not hear over the tens when it is about to blow.

    This is all null and void if you have two amplifiers and a proper active crossover. But I would still stack the 15 on top of the 4x10 and feed the 15 with the higher signal.

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