Hi all,
It's been a long while since I last posted on the forums. I hope everyone is well and and still making some awesome stuff!
You may remember my JM-1 that I made last year. I've attached a picture below to refresh your memories :P
As much as I enjoyed the colour of it, my guitar stand did not. Due to (what I can only assume) was a bad job of finishing it, the guitar would stick to my guitar stand and when removed would take some foam with it, leaving a lovely sticky foam patch on the points of contact on the guitar.
As such, I decided it was time to respray my beloved "Jag Dispute" and retire the tribute sticker and paint job. This time, I'm going for a lovely glossy, metallic charcoal colour, and hopefully will upgrade the pickups (new look, new pickups).
Haven't decided what to replace the pickups with yet, but suggestions are very welcome.
So far, I have sprayed the body with 4 coats of White Night "Squirts" metallic charcoal enamel spray, which has come out wonderfully. No runs, very easy to spray and absolutely nail every time (or maybe I've just gotten better at spraying?).
Leaving it to cure for the week in the warmth of my dining room, then onto the clear coats.
Still yet to strip back the neck and headstock, but I will be spraying the front side of the headstock charcoal grey, and giving the neck a light gloss finish (not overly fond of highly glossy necks).
Will have more progress later in the week, but let me know what you all think and suggestions on pickups would be greatly appreciated!