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Thread: 4x12 scratchy stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Brisbane, Australia

    4x12 scratchy stack

    So I decided not long ago that I would build my very own Marshall amp. Now my main reasons behind this was because it would be cheaper, well I was wrong. But, the plus side to building it is the satisfaction and the fact that I can spend a little bit of money on it over time instead thousands of dollars all in one go. So my father and I went on down to the green shed of which must not be named, and bought some 3 sheets of 8 mil mdf. Got it home and started building. Now I can't exactly offer the plans that I used to anyone. Because I didn't exactly follow them, but they would work to anybody that would like them. First cab (straight) went together fine, nice and strong but extremely heavy, no surprises there. I havnt quite had the time to get around to building the second can (angled) just yet, but all in good time. As for speakers I plan on putting in a set of celestions, I originally wanted the G12s but they can go up to 200 bucks a pop, so some changes to that might happen, might not, who knows. As for a head for this amp, I'm still undecided. If I could, I would build my own to fit, the problem that lies in that is, I wouldn't have a clue what goes into an amp head, so if anybody can help me with that, I would be truly grateful. Pics to come soon! 😝😁
    For some things, some times, it's the same time all over the world, and I think we know what time that is...

  2. #2
    Overlord of Music
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Lawry builds amplifiers, he would be a good person to hassle for info. First things first, ambitious. If you think the cab is heavy now, just wait until you put speakers in to it. I used to have a full bass stack, and although it looked cool, it was totally impractical and never got used to anywhere near it's full potential. Stick with one cab for now, consider baffling it and using 2 speakers to begin with and concentrate on getting an amp to power it. A fully decked out 4x12 with nothing to run it will be in the way more than anything.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  3. #3
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
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    Yep, Lawry would be great to ask about anything amp related!

  4. #4
    Overlord of Music
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Check out this site for amp building info
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  5. #5
    The 'in the shed' sub forum here is very good for aussie home built amps.

    You can build your own amp on a budget, but you must be willing to scrounge.

  6. #6
    PS, can I suggest turning those 4x12's into oversized 2x12's with the speakers vertical for better horizontal dispersion.

  7. #7
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    I've put a 4x10 together from 20mm marine ply for my 100w H||H IC 100S head that I've had since new in 1976.

    I used to run this amp through a Marshall quad box in my gigging days, would never go back to the double Lenard stack I had earlier despite the incredible tone it had, it was just far too big (great wank factor though)

    The new box is wired for 8 ohms and is good for 700W RMS, my little 20W Fender Mustang sounds quite large through the box but obviously doesn't shake the foundations like the big head does.

    BTW the H||H IC100S was the amp of choice for Marc Bolan amongst many others.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	New_cab.jpg 
Views:	169 
Size:	41.6 KB 
ID:	3257  
    Last edited by dave.king1; 27-05-2015 at 04:30 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Brisbane, Australia
    Thanks everyone for your help so far.

    Moody's don't mind spending the extra dollars to build the amp, i just need to find out exactly what I need etc etc. you could try and convince me to turn it into a 2x12 but I doubt it would work considering I've already built one of the 2 4x12s 😝😝

  9. #9
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave.king1 View Post
    I've put a 4x10 together from 20mm marine ply for my 100w H||H IC 100S head that I've had since new in 1976.

    I used to run this amp through a Marshall quad box in my gigging days, would never go back to the double Lenard stack I had earlier despite the incredible tone it had, it was just far too big (great wank factor though)

    The new box is wired for 8 ohms and is good for 700W RMS, my little 20W Fender Mustang sounds quite large through the box but obviously doesn't shake the foundations like the big head does.

    BTW the H||H IC100S was the amp of choice for Marc Bolan amongst many others.

    Didn't Marc Bolan use a Vampower Tube amp head and Quad Box at one point in his career?, I'm sure I've seen a pic of him using one somewhere, there's a pic of him on the front cover of the Electric Warrior album, and in the pic just behind him is the Vampower Tube amp head and Quad Box, he also used an H&H pre-amp with the Vampower amp.

    You've gotta love T Rex, very 70's.
    Last edited by DrNomis_44; 28-05-2015 at 02:45 AM.

  10. #10
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    Woonona by the sea
    Quote Originally Posted by DrNomis_44 View Post
    Didn't Marc Bolan use a Vampower Tube amp head and Quad Box at one point in his career?, I'm sure I've seen a pic of him using one somewhere, there's a pic of him on the front cover of the Electric Warrior album, and in the pic just behind him is the Vampower Tube amp head and Quad Box, he also used an H&H pre-amp with the Vampower amp.

    You've gotta love T Rex, very 70's.
    Could well be right most of the big guys seem to drift from one manufacturer to the next as their sonic desires change.

    Over his career Rory Gallagher played through Fender, VOX & Marshall and a lot of guys today A/B or parallel amps so they can have a mix wet & dry sounds ( not to mention having a wall of cabinets in the back line with only one live and run through front of house )

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