Very cool find KB, now I want one!
Genius. Seriously, this is amazing. The only thing I don't like about it i it looks a bit flimsy. If there was a heavy duty version, I would buy one in a second.
'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'
not bad: looks a lot like the Ryobi One range...
Stan's LP Build for my Sister:
Benson Pickup Strat mod:
Epiphone LP headstock fix:
Martin Backpacker Repair:
'57 Harmony Jazz guitar project:
Dunno - retracted my fingers when I saw the jigsaw bit. Also loved the end where he put the vid in rewind - watch the handles on the bag...
Good stuff does more than my Swiss army knife!
Current Projects
#Planning 5 String Bass
Lol'd when he used the force to grab the bag at the end