I got my GR-1SF kit over the weekend and was able to start it after a little research. First, a few of the things about the kit I learned from the other members:
1. the tuning peg holes don't line up. Not sure if this was on just the first few kit orders (ordered mine two weeks ago) but mine were more or less lined up. One was off with its partner by about 2mills (I'm learning metric instead in inches because of this kit and its users!) but it wasn't enough for me to want to plug and re-drillI got my GR-1SF kit over the weekend and was able to start it after a little research. First, a few of the things about the kit I learned from the other members:
1. the tuning peg holes don't line up. Not sure if this was on just the first few kit orders (ordered mine two weeks ago) but mine were more or less lined up. One was off with its partner by about 2mills (I'm learning metric instead in inches because of this kit and its users!) but it wasn't enough for me to want to plug and re-drill
2. Bridge placement. This was definitely something I looked at for a while, as I want the guitar to play properly. As was stated by a few other members, the bridge seems to be a little too far back, mine was about 5mil back (past the equal measurement from nut to 12th fret). I got a little confused by the video on the web sight, but the main thing I learned was don't cut the neck down and the bridge needs to be a little further back to compensate for string thickness and bend. Looked at a few other guitars and found that it was a fairly consistent 3mil longer on the high E and more growing to the low E. Anyways this looks like the bridge placement should work with my kit. Worst case scenario I can take the bridge off and put on a floating bridge.
3. Just something I didn't see but thought might be useful: a generic numbered list of steps taken from kit unwrapping to completion would be helpful for someone like me.
4. The forums are very helpful. I have never been a part of any forum ever so I was fairly hesitant in joining. But I had too to see any pictures and I'm glad I did! I was instantly welcomed after posting on the welcome board and have already learned a lot from everyone, especially the Gr-1sf builders. Glad to meet others who love this guitar and thank you Adam for providing the kit that I couldn't find anywhere else!