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Thread: Need Help With Violin Bass kit Wiring

  1. #1
    Member Peter H's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Need Help With Violin Bass kit Wiring

    Hi everyone,

    I’m hoping someone can help me with a wiring problem.

    I have a non Pit bull Violin Bass kit which I’ve had for quite some time before I found the PB site. I was a bit unsure on building it until I bought MMB4 last year from PB and the build was great so with that I decide to build the Violin kit all has gone well but I have a problem with the wiring.

    I’ve seen the wiring diagrams for the HB-4 kit but the circuit board I have is different. When wiring it up there is a earth buzz when you touch the guitar and disappears when you let go. Also the tone controls don’t seem to do anything. What I fine that is funny is the pickup earth wire are connected to the hot wire for the output . Any ideas would be great.

    I've try to upload a image but I keep getting a (Internal Server Error) I'll try later.
    Peter H

  2. #2
    Sounds like it could be a hot/ground swapped issue somewhere, but need to see the pics before we can be sure. The server seems to be having some issues with image uploads at the moment, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

  3. #3
    Member Peter H's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    So there are the images of the circuit board.
    This is how it comes.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pcb.jpg 
Views:	606 
Size:	18.0 KB 
ID:	2899

    This is how you wire it up.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PCBoard.jpg 
Views:	877 
Size:	25.2 KB 
ID:	2900

    I try different combos but the only thing that work OK is to connect the bridge and pickups earths together and leave them floating. Doing this the guitar is has quite as a mouse and all controls seen to work OK. Any ideas are welcomed.
    Peter H

  4. #4
    If you've currently some of the ground wires linked to the output 'hot', then that will cause the hum when you touch the strings/hardware. The circuit board layout is slightly different to the PBG kits, but the connection setup appears to be essentially the same. From what I can see the connections should be like this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Hofner_non_PBG_pcb_connections.jpg 
Views:	503 
Size:	48.2 KB 
ID:	2930

    The Bridge pickup ground and tailpiece/bridge ground wire can connect together on the same point which links them to the output ground. Have you tried this configuration?

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