Hi Guys thought Id seen on the forum previously about using dye to colour a bone nut but was unable to find it.
Will a bone nut take a stain or dye to make it go black? Has anyone had a go at this?
Hi Guys thought Id seen on the forum previously about using dye to colour a bone nut but was unable to find it.
Will a bone nut take a stain or dye to make it go black? Has anyone had a go at this?
Bone in alcohol-based black dye test. There's a risk it could impact the longevity and/or properties of the bone, but worth a try.
I'm also interested in this. I'm replacing the black plastic nut on my IB-5 with a dingobass bone nut.
I think I'd like it to be black.
Suggestions I've found include,
- black alcohol dye
- black shoe polish (alcohol based)
- kiwi brand brown shoe polish (perhaps black would do as well)
- sharpie (suggestion is that would fade though)
- black wood dye, then a sharpie, then glaze with cyano
Was wondering if anyone had tried making a black nut or knew about bone and dyes enough to suggest any of these methods over the others.
- Sam
IB-5 - was finished, considering re-finishing body
IB-6S - done.
JR-1M - dressing frets and electronics build
ST-1 - still wondering how to install a tremelo
Telebass - non-PBG from parts buiild - painting body
Have seen some buffalo horn nuts around - no idea how good they are, but they are black... https://www.allparts.com/BN-0291-000...ank_p_770.html. Then again - I haven't read any positive reports about them (seem to be good for the low end, but lose highs and mids).
If you dye an existing bone nut, most likely it will impact the longevity and hardness of the bone, personally I prefer to keep it in a natural colour