If you can possibly load or install a 64 bit version of your operating system software .
It will help you in so many ways the biggest boost is you'll be able to Acess more memory .
32 bit software can only use 4 gb Thats not a limitation of the motherboard ,but a limitation of the
32 bit architecture ,in the software .Now a large majority of that is taken up by your operating system Let's say Win 7
32 bit uses 2 gig you have approx 2 gig to load your DAW software all your plugins .And then run the
software . If you don't run a lot of plugins that's ok but as Soon as you start mixingAdding/layering
plugins your computer gets slower and slower. If you use a 64 bit version of your Operating system
besides it being a bit quicker depending on your motherboard memory slots you can use up to 192 gb .
Now finally we can use those big piano plugins with other string plugins both at the same time.
One other thing so many people are put off from using Windows 8.1 because it's built for touch screens .
It's written with the added benefit of being compatible with touch screens as a bonus .But you do not need a touch screen to use
I have to say I've liked both Windows 7 and windows 8 have both been stable software .
One other thing if you are building a pc or want to mod it . Always if you can have your Daw software on your main drive.
and use an extra drive to write your compositions or record on . Youll find you have less crashes buffer errors etc.
The drives I use for audio video work are always Western Digitals Black Caviar . But I'm sure other 7200 rpm drives work also.
Wow sorry about all the gaps and sentences above ,but they all get pushed apart when I save it to forum
Last edited by kimball492; 17-03-2015 at 01:04 PM.
I use a Samsung EVO 120GB SSD for OS and my top 10 programs that I use, everything else goes on my Caviar Black drive. Currently using Win 8.1 64Bit which I really do enjoy, but I have 32bit Win 7 on my school laptop and I gotta say, it would be the worst thing ever to use for OS!
Once I get my own pc built for the studio I'll bump up to 16GB RAM, always good to have the headroom!
Hi Keloooe It's funny I have a Samsung 850 pro on my windows 8.1 comp boots so fast love it . I wonder why they recommend SSD to use for the main operating Data ,but not for Audio drives . Mind you when the price comes down maybe then they'll be come common practice . A lot of people have been raving about the Crucial MX 100 drives for price and reliability. I guess the easiest way to explain SSD to people that don't know it's like the memory cards that go into your Cameras . So there's no moving parts are lighter and much faster,and for notebooks using less power and weight benefits. Looking at the new Mac notebook it looks like they've dropped the thunderbolt port for USB 3.1 the amazing thing is there seems to be only one port that does everything .but I don't know how you get on when you want to charge the computer and connect External monitor and harddrive at the same time . Looks great though.
If you guys are looking for a place to buy computer components where the prices aren't too bad
Check out http://www.msy.com.au/stores the websites not the best but they have shops pretty much all over.
What other recommendations do you have for places to buy PC components Keloooe
Last edited by kimball492; 17-03-2015 at 03:25 PM.
Kimball - Yeah the 850 pro is so quick to boot 8.1, I can get a drink and it probably would have done a boot / restart sequence and booted up again! Yeah I agree with your explanation of an SSD, I just say its like an inbuilt USB drive, just a buttload bigger! Interesting with the USB 3.1 Macbooks, we will see how the general public reacts to it. I'd still not go for the Crucial SSD's, for a bit more $$$ you can still get an EVO. For those willing to start out with an SSD, try the Kingston SSDNow series if you want to stay on the cheap!
I would approve of MSY, but PCCaseGear is literally just down the road from me so I use them instead for my pc parts!
Keloooe there's some new firmware and software for the samsung SSD drives available at http://www.samsung.com/global/busine...downloads.html
Wish I could fit SSD as main drive in Mac but you have to connect a thermal cable to the drive otherwise it keeps crashing
Ordered one from OWC in USA $80.00 US dollars inc postage for a sata cable with heat sensor on end talk about rip off
Last edited by kimball492; 19-03-2015 at 11:15 PM.
Keloooe ref Hackintosh I don't think you need the heat sensor cable it's more to do with Apples firmware in the bios .and there Apple Hardware Test which is about as much good as a chocolate teapot lol. It told me the memory was fried when it was the hardisk drive. In ref to your SSD Keloooe load the Samsung Magician software , you can upload the firmware from there more easily and it checks it for you ref updates
Last edited by kimball492; 20-03-2015 at 06:40 AM.
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit on my PC, have 4Gb of Ram installed but looking at buying some more Ram sticks later on this year, I might even see if I can get faster Ram while I'm at it, anyway, I've found that some 32Bit plugins don't always behave like they're supposed to when run on a 64Bit system, some even refuse to load let alone work at all, then again some of the 32Bit plugins I've tried have worked perfectly well.
What DAW you running DrNomis you definitely need more ram could be, if your running too many vst's ram ,especially 4 gb .
Rams pretty cheap these days get yourself maybe another 4 even better 8 gb . One other thing a really great piece of software is Bluecats Patchworks http://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PatchWork/ the great thing with this is you can run a compressor an EQ plus others all at same time allows you to use AU plugins Virtual synths and VSTs at same time http://youtu.be/WB8MvaXRo08 http://youtu.be/Qldjida1UTk
Last edited by kimball492; 31-03-2015 at 12:59 PM.