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Thread: Vinyl Headstock Decal

  1. #1

    Vinyl Headstock Decal

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm in the middle of a LP type project and have a design for a pearloid or mother-of-pearl effect vinyl decal but cannot find anyone able to do it for me. Does anyone know anyone who does these decals?Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Headstock 2(2).jpg 
Views:	493 
Size:	35.6 KB 
ID:	2215

  2. #2
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    there is a guy in Japan goes by the id jockomo81 that does them. he sells on ebay.

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  3. #3
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kells80aus View Post
    there is a guy in Japan goes by the id jockomo81 that does them. he sells on ebay.

    They look really slick, if you could live with the raised effect you get with a vinyl decal I reckon that be be the perfect option. I'd be interested to hear how the fretboard decals go, I'm skeptical.

  4. #4
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargeloobs View Post
    They look really slick, if you could live with the raised effect you get with a vinyl decal I reckon that be be the perfect option. I'd be interested to hear how the fretboard decals go, I'm skeptical.
    I'm about to hit mine with wipe on poly. hoping it might soften the edge a little. If it peels to bad I'll jut get another one.

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  5. #5
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Just found this one. I might peel the one I have off. I think I'm in love with this one.

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
    "You'll never ever know if you don't have a go"

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  6. #6
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    I poly'd over vinyl on my very first build with no dramas. Nitro on the other hand...don't even bother, she's an evil mistress that stuff, but oh sooo good;-)

  7. #7
    Thanks, I'll give him a shot and see if he'll do my design for me. I do intend to lacquer over it so at best I could hopefully expect a smooth finish once sanded and buffed.

  8. #8
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
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    One of our previous forum members (Andy) can do it, I'll see if I can scrounge up his email again and pass it on to you Cambo!

  9. #9
    I used to work for a sign writer. If you can provide an adobe illustrator or vector image of the shape you want cut they can cut it for you and make a masking tape backed sticker for you. Although we did charge about $50 for cash job , small jobs. If you need it in a hurry might be worth calling around.
    It's literally a 5 - 10 minute job. The machine acts like a router and does all the form cutting anyway. It's murder if they charge you more than $10.
    The material though is another matter, they'd have to special order in the vinyl. As for pearloid vinyl I don't recall any in the avery catelogue and they can only order in by the roll or by the linear meter.

    But for me personally cambo, I'm just going to buy the vinyl I want and try cutting it by hand with a pen knife.
    i'll post it in my build diary when i get up to it. I think the hard part will be determining how much pressure is needed to cut the vinyl but not the backing.

  10. #10
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keloooe View Post
    One of our previous forum members (Andy) can do it, I'll see if I can scrounge up his email again and pass it on to you Cambo!
    I've tried Andy a few times lately, he is either very busy or not on the forum very much. Tried his email (sorry its on the other computer) with no luck as well...

    There is an Aussie company called Guitarlogoz, google them, they seem to be able to do it all in water transfer

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