This is Oli. A full dirty 33 years old.
I live in Belgium in a tiny village east of Brussels. Lots o' cows, farmland and weird people, but a great place to raise kids.
I pretend to be a freelance business consultant by day, I definitely am a father of two by night and weekends and I'm an enthusiastic guitarist when the missus allows it.
I own a crapload of guitars. Honestly. Mostly cheap stuff like epiphones, staggs or others I bought because they looked good, sounded great or just to mod them.
I have one true goddess, a 1965 Gibson ES335 that cost me an arm, a leg and good row with the Belgian tax authorities since I used their cut of my profits to finance the guitar. Needless to say, they were not happy. I keep it in a safe in my office. It cost me too much to have it smashed to the ground by my very curious 2-year old.
So I decided to start building. Out of interest, to see if I can pull it off, but partly out of vanity as well, just to have my name on the headstock, so I can brag about it.