I've been lurking on your forum for almost a year now, admiring all the clever folks that build their own guitars. As a complete novice and not able to play any instrument, I thought I would try and build my own as a bit of a hobby as I'm now retired, and try to make it as presentable as possible. Boy what a job I set myself. My partner bought me a ES335 Kit from I don't where, for Christmas.
We are in the second month and I'm still trying to get the top/bottom surface of the body to my satisfaction. Almost there; polish the front tomorrow. Neck is done with maple stain, and headstock front face in a jarrah stain. Back also in maple stain, and the front with the natural flame.
Wiring partly done outside of body, yet to be completed; (Liked the hints to pulling through the F holes with the plastic tube. Hope it works that easy when I try to do it).
I've sanded so much that its a wonder there is any wood left.
The bug has bitten. Even with this one a long way from being finished, I'm looking at my next build, possibly a Les Paul Jnr. double cut.
Well, sorry for the ramblings of a retiree, but thought I would say hello to you all and not feel to bad when I ask for advice from the learned here.
Thanks for the info so-far........Jeff