My daughter (9) and have both been taking guitar lessons for a year and she is quickly getting bored with her Pink Acoustic. I like to build things when I get into hobbies, in the past I have built R/C planes, Golf Clubs, Rifles,,,, So when my daughter told me she wanted an electric guitar for Christmas, my first instinct was to look into building one.
After months of research and costing I decided on a PRS-1TS and ordered it without hardware so we could put into it what we want to. Having this forum was a huge plus for my decision as well, as I am a voracious forum poster on other boards.
My daughter got the guitar for Christmas and is very excited, I had to clear three rifle projects out and get some reloading done, before cleaning the bench and making way for the guitar project.
So let's start, please excuse my photography I am not a good photographer and I barely get by with pictures taken from my phone.
Unboxing: Guitar arrived in a Pit Bull box no damage which was a fear I had since it made the long trip from Australia to Texas.
The body of the Guitar looks great. I can see some clue around the binding on the woo, but I figure than should sand out.
But I did find one issue. The binding on the top of the guitar at the neck has pulled away from the wood. Hopefully a little titebond and some tape and I can get this stuck again.
The last issue or perhaps it is a non-issue is the neck and the body. It seems really high over the top of the body at almost 12mm. It is however, fairly tight which makes me confident that I won't screw it up. Feedback would be greatly appreciated
Plan for this week is fix the binding and do initial sanding of the body using 220 grit paper on my orbital sander.