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Thread: Scale Length

  1. #1

    Scale Length

    Hi guys, wondering what the scale length is for the F and G style kits, and are they just the same as the manufacturer ones i.e. 25.5" or 24.75" - reason being I'm going to make a fret slotted straight edge from a steel rule and want to make sure it will be reusable.

    (Also, if anyone knows the SL of the IB-5 that would be tops)

  2. #2
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    Measure you guitar neck from the front edge of the nut and double it, that will give you the scale length.
    Just measured an LP neck and got a half scale length 313mm. so full scale is 626mm which is 24.65 inches from the front edge of the fingerboard to centre of the 12th fret

    Here is some more info if you like:

  3. #3
    Hey Stan, I was more wondering if there was a standard scale length among the kits available here, so I could use the straight edge more than once (I'll make it out of a better material if so).

  4. #4
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    We did start a spreadsheet with some of these details in it - but it sort of died. Anyone got a touch of spare time to update the spreadsheet with details from their current build?

  5. #5
    In my experience, the scale length for the 'F' and 'G' type kits is usually within 1-2mm of their namesakes. So, if your notches are generous you shouldn't have any trouble using the standard scale lengths. For example, I use a StewMac Notched Straightedge (guitar) on the 'F' and 'G' kits without any problems.

    I just did a quick measure on some of my kits to give you some numbers (nut -> 12th fret X 2):
    ST-1: 647mm and 647mm (two different kits)
    TL-1TB: 646mm
    TL-1A: 644mm (biggest variation I've found so far)
    LP-1SS: 628mm
    SG-1F: 627mm

    IB-5: 862.5mm
    YB-4: 863.5mm

  6. #6
    Thankyou so much guys! Since it will only be for determining straightness, I'll do the two sides as F and G and allow a little wiggle room around the frets

  7. #7
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Being pedantic about my guitar necks and set-up, I too have used the StewMAc Straight Edge and these Kits are pretty much exact on the originals...
    Last edited by Gavin1393; 29-12-2014 at 07:59 PM.

  8. #8
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    Quote Originally Posted by fatmunkey View Post
    Hey Stan, I was more wondering if there was a standard scale length among the kits available here, so I could use the straight edge more than once (I'll make it out of a better material if so).
    I've got 2 LP kits on the go and the necks are near identical

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Brisbane, Australia
    has anyone got the scale length for the mb1, need it asap
    For some things, some times, it's the same time all over the world, and I think we know what time that is...

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