Hi Guys,I realise being a guitar forum that microphones aren't guitars . But thought it might be of interest to the people that record out there.
I've built a variety of condenser , and ribbon microphones there are so many cheap chinese mics that we all probably have that can easily be upgraded modded or made. This company makes amazing upgrade kits for a variety of microphones from MXL to Apex. http://microphone-parts.com/mod-kits/
The mods go from a few components to more complicated . The easiest mics components wise to build are Ribbons mainly because there's only three of them the ribbon motor, transformer and I used an old MXL 990 microphone body .The hard thing to do is make the fine foil in the ribbon motor. The microphone sounds amazing totally different , as do my condenser mics with new components and capsules. The upgrades have taken the microphones from very basic microphones to pro quality soundwise.
Give them a try
Best Wishes