Thanks for the approval to get in this AO.....in the process of deciding on which guitar kit to purchase for my first build...hopefully will get some information from here......Thanks..
Thanks for the approval to get in this AO.....in the process of deciding on which guitar kit to purchase for my first build...hopefully will get some information from here......Thanks..
Semper Fidelis,
" For Those Who Fought For it....Freedom Has a Special Flavor The Protected Will Never Know".....
Author: Anonymous: Siege of Khe Sanh 68
You might need to ask a question or tell us what you are wanting to achieve in order to get some input....
Thank you for your reply.....I have been looking at several different guitar kits, and I have narrowed it down to either a Pitbull or a Precision.....hope its ok to put a competitors name in here....it will either be a strat kit or LP kit....I love the blues, and thats what I mainly play....the guitar is for my personal use, and if all goes well will also be getting one for my son who kicks my butt when playing but he's more of a metal type but can play anything....not looking to build a stockpile of guitars...just one for him and one for me.....quality, tone, pickups, action type of the finished product is what I am looking for feedback on.....I haven't had time to go through the different catagories in here, so I guess that should be my first action to take in here....just got approved to come in here this morning....thanks.....
Semper Fidelis,
" For Those Who Fought For it....Freedom Has a Special Flavor The Protected Will Never Know".....
Author: Anonymous: Siege of Khe Sanh 68
Zippo - Ultimately, whatever way you go - the quality, tone, etc will largely depend on how much time you spend making the guitar - they come fairly raw, but a quick scan around the forum will demonstrate that they can certainly punch above their weight. Key things to get right can also be "outsourced" - i.e., there are a range of services that DingoBass can offer such as fret levelling and a new nut that will take out the parts where specialist tools can really help.
Pickups are a real personal preference - the stock ones with the kits are OK, but I can't see anyone racing out to buy some to retro fit them to a real Strat or Tele. That said, there are some nice pickups that are offered by Pitbull - Toneriders and Entwistles that should meet any musical tastes. Gut feel - the Tonerider City Limits may be a good option for a strat for you, whereas some of the Entwistles may do well in a shred / djent style guitar as from what I've seen they are a bit more grunty.
Have a look at the gallery - (http://www.buildyourownguitar.com.au...splay.php?f=58) especially the ST and LP ones and you should see how the kits can come out with a bit of work.
Semper Fidelis,
" For Those Who Fought For it....Freedom Has a Special Flavor The Protected Will Never Know".....
Author: Anonymous: Siege of Khe Sanh 68
No worries - there's many here who are happy to help.
Just had a quick scan and there are also some sound demos of the LP & ST's in the Gallery
Not sure about what kit was used to record the demos and without a full studio, you will lose some on the quality, but...
I think that pretty much everyone who has built a guitar has been stoked with the outcome - if only because it is more theirs than any other guitar you will probably own. I've also found it's helped me to understand what goes on under the bonnet so to speak with a guitar so feel I have more than a passing chance to fix a guitar if I've got a mate with one that's broke.