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Thread: Forum Thread Suggestion

  1. #1
    Member Scott J.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Sydney, NSW

    Forum Thread Suggestion

    Hi Adam,

    Just a thought on a thread for the Forum and I'm not sure if its been considered before ... but how about a Swap/Trade/Unload thread ... something for the PBG members-only to off-load unwanted/un-used bits and pieces, etc. (but not finished guitars!)

    I know I've built up quite a collection of bits and pieces that are gathering dust (and to be honest, with new ideas hitting me all the time, will probably never get used) and would much prefer to see them go to a "good home" and be used ... and I'm sure there's some of the true "addicts" amongst us (you know who you are!) who're probably in the same boat with hidden treasure troves of goodies.

    Anyway, just a thought.

    Wait a minute ... that sounds like Rock and/or Roll!

    SG-1 ... "Little Miss" finished in Flamenco Cherry Wudtone
    TL-1A ... "Slugger" finished in Antique White Nitro
    EX-1 ... "Metal God" finished in nickel-plate (work in progress)
    ST-1A ... "Scrapper" stained and finished in linseed oil ... and with the "secret weapon"
    GR-1SF ... "Rocker-billy" (just arrived, work in progress)

  2. #2
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Perth, WA
    Not a terrible idea - that said Scott - Adam has tried fairly hard to keep the site clean of people selling stuff - you may have noticed that we don't have anyone here selling their guitars even though there are some very sweet builders around.

  3. #3
    Hi Scott, yep, more than happy to add a Swap/Trade/Unload page. I'll add it to the list of things to do.

    Thanks for the idea and keep 'em coming.



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