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Thread: New "Fender Coronado" style kit

  1. #1

    New "Fender Coronado" style kit

    Hi folks,

    After a customer inquiry, I ordered a small number of these "Fender Coronado" style kits.

    Here's what we received:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FC-1 New Main.jpg 
Views:	463 
Size:	50.1 KB 
ID:	402

    And here's a Fender Coronado:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FC.jpg 
Views:	263 
Size:	89.2 KB 
ID:	403

    So, the square back is missing and the horns need to be shallower...

    They got the pickups right.

    What do you guys think? What should we call this beastie? It's not really a "Coronado" inspired kit, but it is kinda cool. I wouldn't mind one in my collection. DB, you up to building one of these for me?

    Let me know what you think.



  2. #2
    It's a 335onado GT!

  3. #3
    Overlord of Music gavinturner's Avatar
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    Hey Adam,

    It's certainly an interesting variation on the stock 335 kit. Kinda reminds me of the Dave Grohl Trini Alvarez DG-335, but without the diamond shaped f-holes. Personally I would have loved to see the swept back horns, but this is certainly a step in the right direction. Will these retail for around $295 like the other trapeze-based 335?

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  4. #4
    Gav, I only got 5 in and I'm not really happy with the final product. All they've done is stick a Fender style neck (headstock) on an ES-1G body (I checked and they are an exact match).

    It's still a pretty cool looking kit and I honestly wouldn't mind one myself, but I don't think we should add it to the catalogue.

    I might just put those 5 kits aside and make them available to the forum regulars at a reduced price ($250).

    If anyone is keen to give one a crack, email me or reply to this thread and I will send you a PayPal invoice.

    If I don't get any takers here, I'll put it up on the store as a "Fender Coronado inspired" kit and see how it goes. the retail price will be the same as the ES-1G ($285).



  5. #5
    A few things are changed like the pickups, switch position, square block inlays, F-style nut and headstock.. which make it interesting. But, it's more the 335 traits that appeal to me and as such I'd always choose an ES-1G(T) instead. I think it will definitely need its own distinct body shape, more inline with a Coronado, for it to have a market.

  6. #6
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam View Post
    DB, you up to building one of these for me?

    Let me know what you think.
    Hasn't DB still got Gav's Conch Girl HB4 to finish first? I haven't seen him build an Iceman or Warlock either and surely, given they have been part of the stock kits should have priority for DB to build than one of these .

  7. #7
    Mentor AJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam View Post
    Gav, I only got 5 in and I'm not really happy with the final product. All they've done is stick a Fender style neck (headstock) on an ES-1G body (I checked and they are an exact match).

    It's still a pretty cool looking kit and I honestly wouldn't mind one myself, but I don't think we should add it to the catalogue.

    I might just put those 5 kits aside and make them available to the forum regulars at a reduced price ($250).

    If anyone is keen to give one a crack, email me or reply to this thread and I will send you a PayPal invoice.

    If I don't get any takers here, I'll put it up on the store as a "Fender Coronado inspired" kit and see how it goes. the retail price will be the same as the ES-1G ($285).
    PM'd u Adam.
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  8. #8
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    not a bad looking kit Ads, but as you say it's a 335 with a Fender neck basically with a couple of other small mods.
    It's probably the angle of the photo but the bottom F hole looks smaller than the top one. The bottom F hole is where all the electronics will fit into, maybe Ads if you can please check if a pot will fit. The switch is further from the F-hole so this will be harder to install.
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  9. #9
    Yeah it's just the angle of the shot. Same size f holes as the ES-1G.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk



  10. #10
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    ah ok cheers Ads thought that would be the case
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