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Thread: Japan Black Double Cut Jnr Set Neck(non PBG)

  1. #1
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Japan Black Double Cut Jnr Set Neck(non PBG)

    After too many attempts to get this done I have reached a point whereI am happy at least with the neck.
    Thanks to AJ for his help with sorting the spray gun(I still have a long way to go).
    I have tried to get a gloss on this neck about 5-6 times each time cutting through the Japan Black. Each time having to patch the cut through and repspray with clear. The danger with spraying clear on a neck is to not get it too thick, but thick enough so you can cut out all the pock marks. I think I have gotten this one as close as I can.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Black 034.jpg 
Views:	156 
Size:	46.9 KB 
ID:	44   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Black 031.jpg 
Views:	138 
Size:	36.1 KB 
ID:	45  
    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  2. #2
    Very Nice Paul,

    Quick question what type of decal do you use? is the decal intact and damaging it when you spray the Lacquer?


  3. #3
    Mentor AJ's Avatar
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    that has come up nicely Paul
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  4. #4
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Hi Budi,

    See reply below... DOH

    Last edited by kells80aus; 04-11-2014 at 08:52 AM.
    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  5. #5
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Hi Budi,

    this is a lazer printed decal. I bought ten sheets of it from a craft site. It is a gummy backed decal that you wet for 30-40 seconds then slide off. The beauty of these is they are A4 sheets, so you can print some dummy runs on plain paper to get the right size.
    With the Lazer print it isn't that important to give them an acrylic dusting like you have to go with the plastec ones from Officeworks, as they are printed on inkjet which runs when wet. the Decal is under the acrylic. I did notice though that it does not appear to be too secure and I feel it may lift in time to come.

    Tks AJ. now I need to get soeme X20 to hit it with to hide those tiny swirl scrtches.
    I think I understand now what was happening with the overthnned Acrylic. I think it was flashing off the previous layers, so everytime I hit a layer of acrylic on it most of the previous layer was getting vapourised, so your suggestion of 75% thinners would reduce this from happening. I have it at about 130% atm but I am planning to wind that back to about 100%. I also think there are issues with this spraygun I am using. It is all to do with gettign the pressure right at the nozzel. I need to work out how to balance the right presure with the right amount of paint feed. too much pressure on a low feed rate is giveing me the too fine atomization. If I wind the feed up a little I get the tiger stripe banding, which means there is too much pressure at the nozzel. so it is a balancing trick and I am still elarning what I am doing. I need to get a large sheet of MDF, preferably painted a dark colour, so I can do a few practice runs till I get it sorted.

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  6. #6
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    NFH, I tried to put another coat onto the Japan Black Junior., and am now snading the top back to the timber as all I ended up with was a foggy sloppy mess. I've ordered some more Gold Highlights so I can get the glitter going again.
    I am not sure if the issue is the spray gun or my lack of understanding of what the F.. is happening.
    I've masked her up so I don't have to deal with overspray etc.

    I guess I need to get back to where I had a overthin spray happening and work back from there.

    :,( PK
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  7. #7
    Mentor AJ's Avatar
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    want me to help you out with some Ghost gold pearl Paul? .. could create a specky ghost gold glimmer..... over the black base..
    Last edited by AJ; 10-11-2014 at 08:46 PM.
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  8. #8
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    That sounds like a good idea AJ.

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  9. #9
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Neck is great PK, shame about the body.... this one has been hard work for you

  10. #10
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Tks Stan,

    I've sanded the deck back to bare timber, I'll put the Japan Black on it in the next day or two. After that comes the Wubtone Gold highlights, then go see AJ .

    This one has been slowing me down from working on the others. The Cramine Gypsy Red one is ready to glue together, the Yellow is glued. Just this one being a pain.

    I had no issues about sanding this back as it had a few specs in the acrylic that had always bothered me. In fact when I sanded it back I found they were in the first layer.

    I still think this spray gun is just a bit too much on the cheapy side. I have been eying off the Blackridge one from Stupidlycheap. The $109 one as it is ismliar toa Sata gun, and has better air and paint controls

    Last edited by kells80aus; 11-11-2014 at 02:18 PM.
    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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