G'day all,
I received the best SMS from Jarrod today and it made my day. About 2 months ago I dropped off a blank of blackheart sassafras (far right in first pic - the blackbutt slab next to it was what I made the bar table and stools out of - this was the wood show stash)
Anyway I got an SMS from Jarrod (2nd pic) showing the tele he's cutting on his CNC is almost done. He's put on some hardware to give me and idea how it looks. I'm more than stoked with how its looking.
So after an email to DB he is going to help me build a neck for it, using a three piece tazzy blackwood and rock maple laminate .
So I am pretty excited about this build.
At this stage probably going to just clear the body or possibly a really thinned down amber coat.
Watch this space.
I'm picking up the body on Sunday morning. Can't wait to see it. Cheers heaps again Jarrod and DB !