OK folks, here we go. This is my second Pit Bull build but first diarised..
Picked up the guitar kit parcel from the post office, very exciting. Note the additional 'wife levy' by way of flowers. The kit was a second anniversary special, it was also my wedding anniversary so helped soften the blow...
Opened up the kit, all appears good. Neck fits well as does hardware in mock build (not pictured). First job, shape the headstock. I had a crack at a Gibson style headstock shape but my effort was nothing short of a disaster using my limited tools (and skill?). Opted for a 'custom' design instead.
Plan for colour - I'm going for a 'gold top' style using Wudtone 'Goldenrod' on the flame maple with Wudtone mahogany for rest of body and neck. I will dye the front of headstock black using a Colortone dye. Also plan to use Kluson vintage tuners and a Gibson style truss rod cover. Apart from that all stock kit. Maybe POT/PUP/Capacitor upgrades further down the track.
Next job, sanding, sanding and more sanding..