In all my excitement to get my guitar finished and play it, i never set up the neck and levelled the frets properly. while all my other guitars are pretty old and shite and have never been levelled (to my knowledge) so im kinda used to playing badly setup guitars (ive slacked at playing a lot over the last 10 years). however the buzzing at certain points on the neck is starting to get on my tits
ive had a skim over gavs guides and they look really useful, its just the tools i need to perform it.
Basically chances are im gona have to do an order from stewmac for the stuff ill need so i figured id check with you guys who do this a lot for advice on the tools that will be best value yet let me do a decent job. i figure its a worthwhile investment cos then i can sort out my other guitars as well!
ok, so on my pitbull tele, the neck is a bit all over the place. i figure theres 4 main things i have to do
1. check the nut height-the low E end of the nut seems a bit higher than the high E. i found StewMac have an article about cutting and setting up a nut
before i start, is it worth switching the stock plastic nut out for a bone one? if its gonna be worth it, i will do it. no point trying to polish up the standard plastic one if its a bit of a turd
2. check the neck is actually flat and adjust truss rod - i kinda eyeballed this when i was setting up (whoops), ill be swinging past the big green shed today and will grab a nice long steelruler. will this be enough to make sure the neck is nice and flat?
3. Fret levelling and shaping - this is the one thats gonna be a bit of a bitch. ive already purchased a little fret file off ebay but tbh it looks a bit shit. im considering getting a stewmac one, ill also need the 12" radius sanding block, and adhesive sandpaper. ill probs grab one of those fingerboard protectors too. anything else i will need?
So yeah basically some advice for my stewmac shopping list would be appreciated so i can save on postage and be all set up to set up my neck.