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Thread: LP-1P

  1. #1
    Member ultpanzi's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    This is an easter egg kit. Beautiful Paulownia lp, really lightweight but its balanced with the neck. My mum's birthday is coming up, so i thought, what better present to give than a guitar. So this will be for her. I'm not the greatest photographer so the pics arent going to be great and I was too excited to start so I forgot to get a pic of the raw wood, sorry guys. I usually work in conditions close to darkness, so the lighting is mostly added, so the photos will seem a little strange.

    The plan for this is a jarrah stain for the back and sides with a lightly stained top thats almost a natural colour. The neck back is a mahoganyish colour. Apart from the jarrah stain, I've used various mixtures of tea to stain the top and neck. I'm asian so tea is very much a part of my lifestyle and it works great for staining.

  2. #2
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    nice results, we need Dingotone - Green Tea now!

  3. #3
    Member ultpanzi's Avatar
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    If it smells as good as tea did when I used it as a stain, Id by gallons of it. It really smells great when the stains dont have harmful chemicals or carcinogenic hydrocarbon crap in them.

  4. #4
    Member ultpanzi's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Finished staining and decided to epoxy in the neck as well as bolt it on, I decided to set the neck cos I wanted some a little more of the neck
    s maple tone, but then because its got relatively small gluing area, I still stuck in the bolts. I've wired up the electronics, messily, but it works so Im happy. Finished putting on all the hardware and it sounds great when strung up (its really loud acoustically) but the nut is too high. Just wondering if theres an easy work around or do I need to knock it off and sand it down properly?

  5. #5
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    /Quote from ultpanzi on September 12, 2014, 19:53
    If it smells as good as tea did when I used it as a stain, Id by gallons of it. It really smells great when the stains dont have harmful chemicals or carcinogenic hydrocarbon crap in them.
    Nathan - Dingotone does smell nice - citrussy - wouldn't be afraid to bring a newly 'toned guitar into the house with kids - DB has put a lot of effort into using only natural and safe products to produce Dingotone. My wife would be more worried about the Dingotone leaping off the guitar and staining something else than the smell.

    In terms of chemical smell,

    Tru Oil > Wudtone > Dingotone.

  6. #6
    An easy way to lower the nut height is to use the strings. Just take them of and use them as a file in the slots. This works with the wounds but adding the smallest bit of cutting compound to the unwound nut slots and hitting that should get you going. Of course nothing will ever sub a set of nut files. Also, someone here will know exactly but I think half the string diamater needs to be above the nut so if the height is still too high you will need to get the nut off and sand it down.

  7. #7
    Member ultpanzi's Avatar
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    Brendan-I plan to use dingotone for my next build, so Im pretty excited about it. Wudtone smelt pretty good compared to other things I've used and if dingotone smells better, Im looking forward to using it.

    Andrew-I thought about that, but the nut is high by close to a mm. So I thought itd be a little dodgy to have my strings sitting that far into the nut. Guess Ill just put in some elbow grease and sand it down.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Member ultpanzi's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Not long at all. Finished sanding it down and intonating it. Intonating and setting the action took a good two hours while sanding the nut took 10 mins.

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