hi guys,
Well I started this one a few weeks ago but for once I've been very slack starting a build diary. So here's a quick status catch-up! It's a TLA-1 Ash Telecaster. As usual there's some great figure in the body, and the plan is to do a completely black dye job in the same vein as Rob's Black Ash Strat from a few months ago.
I sanded to 360 and dyed with Colortone black dye. There were a couple of really obvious glue spots that I missed before the first dye pass, so I had to go back and try to sand them off. On the whole this was successful. On went the dye again and then the naughty oil.
Currently I've got about 7 super-thin coats of Tru-Oil on there and she's looking pretty awesome. I've left a little translucence in the dye job so that the grain can shine through - especially on the back.
I'm not going for a high gloss this time around - I'd just like the Ash grain texture to be front and centre. She's not going to win any awards, but I've always wanted a black Telecaster, and this is certainly she! I don't think I'll need many more coats - I'm pretty happy with how she looks right now.
The neck will be Tru-Oil as well, with just a slight Amber tint added to the oil. I'll have photos of the neck progress in the next installment!