Hey guys,
My first guitar was an el cheap-o stratocaster copy (more squared-off shape to avoid copyright I'm assuming). I played this thing to absolute DEATH and it is looking pretty ordinary. The body is hammered. As I'm finishing up my surfcaster I'm thinking about refinishing this one in my second choice of colour sonic blue with some leftover wudtone hanging about.
I've googled and apparently there are three options to remove thick poly - stripper, heat, and abrasives.
Heatgun is out because I simply can't afford one. This leaves stripper and abrasive.
I'm not too keen on stripper purely because of the fumes/toxic nature of the stuff. Is stripper viable without a respirator? How do you dispose of the crap that comes off the body/by products?
Could I strip poly with a belt sander (only power sander I've got)? Or just hard yakka with a block and my arms?
Trying to make this as cheap as possible (how unusual...).
Cheers guys.