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Thread: Esquire TL

  1. #1
    Hey guys,

    So I was thinking to myself the other day... What if PBG had an esquire kit!
    I know the only real difference would be the neck pickup removed but maybe that could be an option for a limited run
    I figure there is a one pickup option (Jr-1) but I would love to have a crack at a real simple Esq. kit.

    My plan would be to have one with a stacked single coil sized humbucker in one esq and get another kit with a P90!

    I'd be interested to see what price difference the lack of a neck pickup would yield also

  2. #2
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Why wouldn't you just buy the TL-1 kit and replace the pickguard?
    Also those Chinese tele neck pups are worth mere dollars so the saving would probably be negligible.

  3. #3
    Yeah a fair point
    Guess all I was considering was if it were a kit with presoldered components then it would be a bit more 'appetizing' for novices such as myself
    Just a thought, though

  4. #4
    Mentor kells80aus's Avatar
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    Wouldn't that be just a different pick guard. one that covers the front route.

    so if you wanted a Squire and I don't know why! You just put a squire pickguard on and install one less pickup.

    I really doubt the cost difference would be much more than $5

    At that price most would rather go for a Tele style.

    I do see that you are looking really at a Tele style LP Junior...

    "Jack of all trades, Master of None"
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  5. #5
    Overlord of Music Fretworn's Avatar
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    It's on my list of things to try. Get the Alder Tele kit, get a replacement black Esquire pickguard. Like you allude to not stuffing up the Esquire wiring would be the hardest part. That and deciding between the original "bass" capacitor for the neck position, or trying the Billy Gibbons "cocked wah" mod.

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  6. #6
    /<\\/p>[]<\\/p>/Quote from kells80aus on June 26, 2014, 17:23
    Wouldn't that be just a different pick guard. one that covers the front route.

    so if you wanted a Squire and I don't know why! You just put a squire pickguard on and install one less pickup.

    I really doubt the cost difference would be much more than $5

    At that price most would rather go for a Tele style.

    I do see that you are looking really at a Tele style LP Junior...

    Ah, but it's not a squire he wants but an Esquire. The fender Esquire is a legendary guitar and much sought after.
    There's some electronic voodoo going on with them hence the 3 way switch, so I guess if you had a wiring diagram you could convert a standard TL1 kit, but it certainly isn't as simple as a different pickguard and leaving off the neck pickup.
    Personally I think it's a great idea for a kit, or at least supply the bits to mod a standard TL1. The only other route is finding a real one and persuading it's owner to sell it (good luck!) or a Fender Custom Shop re-issue and paying custom shop prices.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    awesome, just an extra cap plus a resistor then - now I have too many options for build ideas , lol.

  9. #9
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Yeah I'm hearin' ya, would it be too much to ask to have one of everything?

  10. #10
    Seriously thinking about doing this now, maybe the TL with a rosewood board, candy apple red with a pearloid guard - or go with a thinline body for something really unique...

    ... and I've only got one kit build under my belt! This is going to get worse isn't it......

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