Hey community,
I bought a flea bay auction PBG a long time ago and eventually got around to building it. It is an SG model with a set neck. I followed the post on setting up the neck and it turned out this kit was not going to be perfect if I just jammed the neck all the way in as the angle would have been out on both axis. So I made a little shim to fix the angle up and down and now the strings are evenly positioned across the fretboard. Tick. I put a clamp on it as a dry fit and the angle back seemed to be right. So I glued (titebond) and clamped it, checked it again and was happy the set up knowing I could always pull the neck back a bit more with the truss rod once it was strung.
My problem now is that I have buzzing at about fret 3 and the action has to be way too high for my liking to get rid of it. So my suspicion is the neck angle is set wrong, back too far. The truss rod is fully loosened but there is not enough tension from the strings to pull the neck forward to stop this buzzing.
Oh yeah, I ran a metal ruler edge up the fret board and the third fret does not seem any higher than it's neighbours.
Thoughts anyone.
What are my options? Raise the nut height. Remove the neck and set it again? Can that even be done?
I look forward to seeing what you all think.