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Thread: Pitbull guitar stock parts

  1. #1
    Hey guys,

    So i'm doing up another tele partscaster (as I have recently acquired a sweet tele body) and ill be getting a tele neck from pitbull guitars but I was wondering, can I get the parts that come with a TL-1 pack except the body ? Or is that something that would be easier to just source myself?
    The main things i'm after are the bridge, machine heads, screws etc. Pickups wouldnt be required.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
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    Mate, I am sure we can rustle up the bitz you need out of my collection of spares.
    If you can send me your email address to I can let you know tomoz arvo.
    I will discuss this with Adam to work out a price for you.

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  3. #3
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    that is why the pitbull team are the best

  4. #4
    Stan- I know right! Got a reply from DB on a sunday night!
    Cant get better customer service than that!

    DB- Cheers again DB

  5. #5
    If you want them in Black or Gold, you can buy the Bridge and Machine Heads from our eStore (under "Upgrades").

    If you want Chrome, then let's hope DB can rustle up some chrome parts.



  6. #6
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Thought I would post a question here as this seems to be the most appropriate thread, anyway, my question is this:

    I have a Fender Mexican Standard Stratocaster with an all maple 21 fret neck which I bought off eBay the year before last year, I had a problem with one of the strings sounding more like a sitar and I found the problem was the nut on the neck, hoping to fix the problem I tried installing a Fender LSR roller nut, it seemed to work fine but I have been getting the sitaring from the same string again, turned out to be a problem with the LSR nut, so I have decided to try replacing the neck altogether, would an all maple strat neck from Pittbull guitars fit my Strat's neck pocket?, any help much appreciated.

  7. #7
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrNomis_44 View Post
    Thought I would post a question here as this seems to be the most appropriate thread, anyway, my question is this:

    I have a Fender Mexican Standard Stratocaster with an all maple 21 fret neck which I bought off eBay the year before last year, I had a problem with one of the strings sounding more like a sitar and I found the problem was the nut on the neck, hoping to fix the problem I tried installing a Fender LSR roller nut, it seemed to work fine but I have been getting the sitaring from the same string again, turned out to be a problem with the LSR nut, so I have decided to try replacing the neck altogether, would an all maple strat neck from Pittbull guitars fit my Strat's neck pocket?, any help much appreciated.

  8. #8
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargeloobs View Post

    No worries, cheers.

    I'll have to see if I can buy a replacement neck on eBay then.

  9. #9
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    Hey DrN,

    if you dont mind ordering from the States, Warmoth (?spelling) and Mighty Mite are your best bests. They seem to get good reviews and and good build consistency. Both sell on eBay as well

    Excuse me if you have posted this anywhere else, but have you tried things like:
    New strings, Checked bridge saddle(s), String heights etc.
    Last edited by stan; 11-01-2015 at 07:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Banned bargeloobs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrNomis_44 View Post
    Thought I would post a question here as this seems to be the most appropriate thread, anyway, my question is this:

    I have a Fender Mexican Standard Stratocaster with an all maple 21 fret neck which I bought off eBay the year before last year, I had a problem with one of the strings sounding more like a sitar and I found the problem was the nut on the neck, hoping to fix the problem I tried installing a Fender LSR roller nut, it seemed to work fine but I have been getting the sitaring from the same string again, turned out to be a problem with the LSR nut, so I have decided to try replacing the neck altogether, would an all maple strat neck from Pittbull guitars fit my Strat's neck pocket?, any help much appreciated.
    What string is giving you the problems?
    Does it only chime when strumming open or when fretted too and if so does it chime all the way up the neck?
    Have the frets been leveled at all (could be something as simple as a high fret)?
    Don't spose you could post an audio clip of the "said" noise, And maybe some pics of the guitar itself, fretboard, action and the nut.
    Have you considered the issue maybe coming from the tremolo?

    I'm sure (and I bet others would agree) this would be fixable without having to replace the neck. I know mighty mite necks are pretty pricey and there's still no guarantee you'll get a decent fit. It's just a matter of working through the issues, probably starting with a good bone nut but there's definitely others on here more qualified to get to the bottom of this than me.
    Last edited by bargeloobs; 11-01-2015 at 07:31 AM.

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