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Thread: Tom bridges.

  1. #1
    Quick query.

    What distance should the stop bar be set from the bridge saddles? Is there a rule of thumb used? Lengthening and shortening this gap, does it ahavr a noticeable effect?
    I've googled this lots. Only information found so far is that it effects the string break angle(common sense), but what effct on playAbillity if any? Some claim extends sustain ( so does standing on one foot whilst playing). Others say it effects string tension (??? Not sure how. When a string is tuned to a certain pitch it has a certain tension . U can't change one with out the other right?).
    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Hi Barry, the closer the stop bar is to the bridge the tighter the is siting in the saddles. would you agree? would the string have better contact with the bridge?
    I am moving my bridge closer to the "bigsby" as I am having a little trouble with a "rattle" after sound (cant explain it any other way, although I know that I have the string "t" too far away from the nut causing a ping type sound on open strings but easily fixed. Strings 1 & 2)
    I also will have more room to fix the intonation also (moved it back 3.5mm and the saddles were as far back as they could go)


  3. #3
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