Hi Guys, I know this is off topic for the forum, but I feel strongly about this subject.
a bit over 30 years ago I lost my mother to breast cancer, since then the treatments and drugs, awareness etc have all improved to increase the survival rate for those that become afflicted to this. One of the newer drugs that has improved the survival rates of breast cancer is "Abraxane" and is on the PBS for breast cancer only.
My older sister (only a few years my senior) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it is inoperable. Over here in Au, they have a drug that is used with breast cancer treatment and is on the PBS for that disease only. The new drug "Abraxane" has increased survival rates from 5% to 30% for "Pancreatic Cancer".
I am asking if you all could sign this partition to have it placed on the PBS over here so that the average person can afford to at least have a better chance of survival . Currently the cost of the drug is $15,000 per treatment, on the PBS it would be $28 per treatment.
Thanks in advance for your support