JR-1DC in Tobacco Burst.
Grain filled using Timbermate Teak.
Sunburst stain was hand rubbed on.
Sprayed clear lacquer coats, then cut and polished to high gloss finish.
Standard kit other than truss rod cover and orange drop capacitors.
JR-1DC in Tobacco Burst.
Grain filled using Timbermate Teak.
Sunburst stain was hand rubbed on.
Sprayed clear lacquer coats, then cut and polished to high gloss finish.
Standard kit other than truss rod cover and orange drop capacitors.
JR-1DC in Butterscotch Wudtone.
Neck Finish: Vintage Amber Wudtone.
Custom Scratchplate and truss-rod cover.
Added bone nut, speed knobs, Orange-drop cap, push-pull tone pot, switchcraft jack and oval plate
Build #01: BC-1
Build #02: ST-1
Build #03: JR-1DC
Build #04: ES-2V
Build #05: ESB-4 (GOTM July 2014)
Build #06: RC-1
Build #07: MK-2
Build #08: TLA-1
Build #09: JR-1DC
Build #0A: LPA-1
Build #0B: STA-1 (GOTM April 2015)
Build #0C: MKA-2
Build #0D: LP-1M
Build #0E: JB-1
Build #0F: FS-1
Find me:
Here's my Junior.
Golden Teak stain and finished in Tru-Oil
Several body mods/cuts
Lollar P90
Individual saddle bridge
CTS Pots
Orange Drop Caps