Hi everyone, this is my first build and I'll be building a Thinline Tele. The kit should (hopefully) arrive at my place any day now. I'm looking to paint it a solid black colour, with a silver-pearl sparkle to it. I'm looking to achieve this with black gloss paint, combined with silver sparkles. This will hopefully match the pearl pickguard. I'm also looking to paint a thin silver trim around the f-hole.
I've ordered a custom TV Jones Super'tron pickup with a chrome plating, and I'm on the search for some other silver/pearl hardware to really make this baby shine.
My current plan for setup is:
1. Shape the headstock
2. Sand, seal, paint, and clear coat the body
3. Lacquer and coat the neck and headstock
4. Wire and solder the electronics
5. Install hardware
6. Fit neck, make sure everything is properly set up and aligned
7. String, test, perfect!
Am I missing anything obvious?