First proper build diary for me. Usually just post once complete.
This is for my DC Junior eBay bargain...sorry Adam! 8O
Have decided to go with a vintage sunburst finish, haven't seen the DC with this finish only the standard shape junior...but what the heck, something different.
Jase just did a great job of the TV Yellow, so that was out, and having just finished my ES in Cherry, that was out too!
Checked the fit on the neck joint, scratch plate and pickup...all good!
Only problem I found was the right hand side tuning peg holes were considerably out, when compared to the left hand side. After taking measurements the actual headstock had been cut with slightly more timber on the right hand side. Fear not...trimmed off the excess, then shaped and sanded...all good!
Have attached before and after photos.
After basic sanding of the body I mixed up grain filler (Timbermate) and applied all over.
Hung and left to dry. Will madly sand tommorow.