Hi Guys,
Just started my second build, a Jagmaster with a custom deep green Wudtone colour (many thanks to DB for mixing it). I put the bits together and all seemed sweet except for a minor problem with the neck heel and body route. The neck heel has a slight curve whereas the route and scratch plate are flat. No biggie I'm told by Guru DB, just shape one or the other to fit.
I do have another problem though, After spending about 3 hours sanding the body I was using some steel wool when it caught a bit of feathered grain and tore out a fibre of wood. It is about 5mm long, 1mm wide and 1-2 mm deep. It is too deep to sand down without creating a hollow. Anyone got any suggestions? Please!
Oh yeah... The name Matriarch is in honour of my grandmother who is 101 years old and still as sharp as a tack. It was her who bought me my first guitar about 45 years ago and encouraged me musically through my entire life. This seemed like a nice way to say thanks.