Next build is another ST-1 kit which I scored in Pitbull's Birthday sale - very happy with that purchase for $75! I've always loved the sort of transparent look of the Vintage Blonde Stratocasters so that's the Wudtone colour I went with.
I'm not really keen on rosewood fretboard Strats so I ordered a separate maple neck only to discover it wasn't matched to this kit body (and a couple of other differences - so rosewood fretboard it is this time around. All good though, nice to have a one of each in my Strat collection.
I've got colour on the body and got it just how I want it with the transparency - about 4 basecoats of 1/3 Blonde/ 1/3 White, with the last coat having all the left over white tipped in. Here are some pics so for (no gloss top coat yet)
Going Vintage Amber on the neck instead of Vintage Yellow this time - Adam and DB kindly got the colour to me just in time - thanks guys!