hi guys,
Received an exciting package this week - a new ST-1 kit for my neice's birthday in December. She has requested an 'Aqua' electric guitar, so the plan is to create a custom colour based on Surfer Girl and adding a little T-Bird to the mix. Very exciting stuff.
This will be my first build with Wudtone, (trumpets sound!!) and my first attempt at mixing a custom colour, and a guitar that's going out as a present, so I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing. I have also ordered a Vintage Amber neck finishing kit.
I'm in the middle of putting together a dry-run build at the moment. The whole strat thing is a mystery to me, so I'm just working out where the springs go . So far I have managed to swap out the original scratch plate with a nice perloid one. Had an interesting time worrying about whether the selection switch knob would come off, but finally my puny IT arms managed to budge it .
As soon as I am sure that I can correctly seat the neck, bridge and scratchplate (and those pesky tremelo springs) I'll tackle the sanding and Wudtone.
Stay tuned!