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Thread: Neck Finish

  1. #1

    I have a question to do with the finish that I have with my chosen for the neck of my EX-1L.
    I purchased the Black magic Woman Wudtone before the compatibility chart thingy was posted, and my plan was to have a black neck and headstock to match the body using, but after reading other posts and some experimentation, I can see that I won't get the results I wanted.
    I purchased the Wudtone neck finish to use over the black magic woman and my question is, can I use this to finish the un-wudtoned neck or should I just get another neck finish?

  2. #2
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    It is possible to get the neck nice and dark, it just takes 50 bazillion coats of the deep colour!
    Sand the neck up to 240 grit, then with the first application of deep colour, try to get as much as possible on... without it getting all streaky and gluggy.
    Let it cure for a few days, DONT steel wool it and go in with another coat of deep colour.
    Repeat a few times and let it cure for at least a week.
    Then give it a light steel wool, just to smooth it out a bit and start on the base coats, nice thin coats and steel wool lightly between each coat.
    When you are happy with the result, leave it for a week and then start on the neck top coats, again nice and thin.
    I know this sounds like a long time but why rush it?

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  3. #3
    Hey DB, how would using an alcohol based dye before the Wudtone deep colour work. Would it give you a head start to achieving a deep black neck colour, and how well will the dye work with the Wudtone being oil based.

  4. #4
    Thanks for that DB. I'll definitely run with the BMW on the neck. I agree that it's worthwhile taking the time, no point in rushing the job and having a half-arsed job

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