Hello Guys,
I bought some nut slot files alongside my first kit because I thought that I could just file the plastic nut slots down the correct heights for the strings.
However, I have done some more research recently and it seems that the nut slots themselves should not be too deep and therefore the overall nut height should be reduced (by sanding the bottom) if the strings are too high. Does this sound correct?
This would mean that the plastic nut would need to come off and have the bottom sanded down to get to the correct height (assuming its too high of course).
If this plastic nut has to come off then it seems like a good idea to replace it with a better nut (bone or otherwise).
Seems like the PBG kit guitar neck and fretboards are pretty similar. Is there a particular shaped and pre-slotted nut size that suits the PGB guitars? Has anyone bought a particular product they have been able to drop right on in successfully? I would love to know what it was if they did.
I have an ST-1 if they are all a bit different.
If there is nothing I can get off the shelf then I guess "making my own nut" would be the only alternative? In which case I would have some further questions.