Hi every one. Seeking a little help. Im wanting to finish a maple fretboard and get that nice glassy fender finish Any suggestions will be gratefully received. Thanks.
Hi every one. Seeking a little help. Im wanting to finish a maple fretboard and get that nice glassy fender finish Any suggestions will be gratefully received. Thanks.
Hi yarding, welcome to the forum!
I have had great results using Wudtone's original vintage yellow stain. You can get a significant gloss with the supplied topcoat.
See photo for example.
"Music is in the air; it's my job to pull it out."- Jaco Pastorius
Hi Bass guy
So you used the Wudtone on the fretboard without problems?
Yep, worked a treat. I used a cloth, but would definitely recommend using a brush instead.
"Music is in the air; it's my job to pull it out."- Jaco Pastorius
Ok thank you for your input bass man it is appreciated