Hey guys, a question for the pickup gurus.
I was lucky enough to be given a set of 30 year old original Fender Strat pickups that I intended to put in my new ST-1 build.
Here's the problem. They all have identical pole spacing of approx 53mm from the centre of the E to e poles. Just about perfect at the bridge but approx 5mm too wide at the neck position. If I can centre them exactly, at the neck Pup position, the E/e strings barely align with the inner edge of the poles. If I am only 1mm out with the placement of the neck Pup one of the E strings will miss the pole entirely.
Is this an acceptable margin of error or should I buy something else, like a set of Toneriders.
AND, if I do buy the Toneriders, can anybody confirm that they will fit in an ST-1 kit?
Any advice appreciated.