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Thread: Spreading the PBG word ... Big Jam?

  1. #1
    Member Scott J.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Sydney, NSW
    Hi Folks,

    Just a thought here on "spreading the word" about PBG (mentioned in a recent thread) and also something for the benefit of the PBG community ... I'll call it "Australia's biggest Jam Session!" (altho' it wouldn't surprise me if the term's already been coined)

    I'm picturing an on-line event something like a tele-conference where all the PBG community connect in for a giant jam session together - it would be a great chance for us to hear each others guitars rather than just seeing them in pics (the primary driver behind this idea)

    OK, so it'll have to start with something simple in the range of 3-chords ("wild thing" springs to mind! ... well, maybe bad idea on that one! )

    Considering that the PBG community is at least somewhat "technically savvy" (internet-wise I mean) and with such products as Skype etc. it doesn't seem like a to big a technical task to set-up ... and for those that don't have the hardware or bandwidth there's many places that offer the service of tele-conferencing (larger Office Works stores do, among others) especially if two or more of us get together.

    And with some "dropping the word" in the wider community (Music Stores, Muso's forums, media channels) its sure to gather at least some interest and maybe media coverage too (they love the "warm & fuzzy" human interest stories - even the weird and wonderful ones!) ... especially if it can also relate to some sort of charity.

    Who knows ... as an annual event and after a couple of years we might even get PBG into the Guinness Book of Records ... as the "Worlds Largest One-Night-Stand Garage Band" or maybe the "Largest Group of Annoying Guitarists Ever Assembled"! 8-)

    Something to think about ... or maybe not

    ... I think I must just getting bored while waiting for my SG kit to turn up

    Wait a minute ... that sounds like Rock and/or Roll!

    SG-1 ... "Little Miss" finished in Flamenco Cherry Wudtone
    TL-1A ... "Slugger" finished in Antique White Nitro
    EX-1 ... "Metal God" finished in nickel-plate (work in progress)
    ST-1A ... "Scrapper" stained and finished in linseed oil ... and with the "secret weapon"
    GR-1SF ... "Rocker-billy" (just arrived, work in progress)

  2. #2
    Jamming on the internet is just asking for trouble. I get enough heartache trying to synch up connecting directly to my computer.

    Although less grand in concept, what I've seen done on other sites is for everyone to record a few bars to the same backing track, then get those all edited together into a single track.

    It's not as "live" as an all in jam, but at least everyone would be in time.

  3. #3
    Mentor AJ's Avatar
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    Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne
    the idea of skype for conferencing is a good one, however when using skype for that it only allows 1 to talk/in this case play at one at a time
    that is it's only real downfall ..the cost is zero for using and doing that ..
    Yamaha rebuild: Completed
    Mako -Scratch designed: Completed
    PUP winder: Completed

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    Skype: andyjohns1

  4. #4
    Mentor AJ's Avatar
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    Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne
    Forgot to mention, I had a few "online guitar lessons" with a mate from Sydney, I'm in melb. (Using skype)
    Yamaha rebuild: Completed
    Mako -Scratch designed: Completed
    PUP winder: Completed

    Facebook :
    Skype: andyjohns1

  5. #5
    Member Scott J.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Sydney, NSW
    Oh well, just a thought (like I said - I must have been getting bored! :-D ) and easier than all the PBG community trying to physically get together ... as much as all the builders guitars and basses LOOK really great I'd just love to HEAR them in action!

    Wait a minute ... that sounds like Rock and/or Roll!

    SG-1 ... "Little Miss" finished in Flamenco Cherry Wudtone
    TL-1A ... "Slugger" finished in Antique White Nitro
    EX-1 ... "Metal God" finished in nickel-plate (work in progress)
    ST-1A ... "Scrapper" stained and finished in linseed oil ... and with the "secret weapon"
    GR-1SF ... "Rocker-billy" (just arrived, work in progress)

  6. #6
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    /<\\/p>[]<\\/p>/Quote from phloggy on August 1, 2013, 12:55
    Jamming on the internet is just asking for trouble. I get enough heartache trying to synch up connecting directly to my computer.

    Although less grand in concept, what I've seen done on other sites is for everyone to record a few bars to the same backing track, then get those all edited together into a single track.

    It's not as "live" as an all in jam, but at least everyone would be in time.
    This is a cool idea!

  7. #7
    If there's enough interest I'll volunteer to put the thing together. I've never done it before but hey, it can't be that difficult can it?

    It's not like people have become famous by having whole careers dedicated to mixing and mastering music, is it.

  8. #8
    Overlord of Music Fretworn's Avatar
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    Hornsby Area, Sydney, NSW
    I could be interested, but it will have to wait until my guitar is finished so I actually have a PBG to play on the track.

    You could use something like to do this, as music collaboration is basically what that site is for.

    First Act ME276 (resurrected curb-side find)
    Scratchie lapsteel
    Custom ST-1 12 String
    Scratch Lapsteel
    Meinl DIY Cajon
    Cigar Box lap steel

    Open D/Standard Double 6 twin neck

  9. #9
    Great idea Scott. Happy to help where I can.



  10. #10
    /<\\/p>[]<\\/p>/Quote from Fretworn on August 7, 2013, 10:54
    You could use something like to do this, as music collaboration is basically what that site is for.
    This site is cool. Can definitely see the use in something like this.

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