I have been hemming and hawing for days, asked questions and then bang! Made my first kit purchase.
Ordered the HB-4 Beatle Bass. Dingobass was great in answering my questions, I thought about fretless-izing it, but for a first time ( ever ), I figure I will just do it up normally. Going with Azure Lagoon, possibly with some kind of AL dark/lighter burst. Deciding on the aged vintage yellow or non-aged yellow for the neck. I hope to do the front of the headstock with the AL.
Since I haven't soldered since middle school, that will be interesting, I know little about that side of things.
When it arrives, I will start posting pictures as I progress.
My second kit will likely be the J-Bass - probably fretless with Amaranthine. I chose the harder to build one first, of course, because I didn't want the fretless before the fretted one. However, if I do a good build of the HB-4, maybe I will do another of those, fretless. Hmmm.
Wait, maybe I should be sure that I can manage this one first.
Mike Bergstrom
Massachusetts, USA