Hi Folks,
Greetings from the East (NSW that is, not Asia!)
Just stumbled across Pit Bull Guitars and I'm already seriously impressed! 8-)
After spending some considerable time perusing all the models and other pages, I had ended up with a heap of questions so I fired them off in an email to Adam (at about 8:00pm) and got a response within the hour! (if only the government gave as good service then we'd really be living in Utopia!)
Great prices, great service (so far!) and an apparently very devoted community/fan base ... Pit Bull it looks like you've got the right formula happening!
Anyway, just introducing myself as a "soon-to-be-bitten" Pit Bull-er ... as soon as I can decide which model to start with! ... which will be after I've got some answers to the questions that I have (tho' I need to figure out which post on the forum to put them under as they're mostly tech questions for the luthiers)... keep an eye out for them.
Keep on rockin'
Scott J.