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Thread: Kit Supplied Pick Ups

  1. #1
    Basically what I'm wondering is if its worth it or not to shell out extra to buy some other pickups or if the ones that come with the sets are good enough.
    Any/all general feedback and comments on the sound, quality etc people have found would be great!

    If it helps, I'm wanting them for a broad range of music, from the clean sounds found in Hillsong United all the way to the heavier sounds of August Burns Red.

    Thanks Guys!

  2. #2
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    Dalloskid - I guess one of the bonusses of this kit is that many of the parts are interchangable. Depending on the kit that is... One of the options may be start with the pickups supplied and then upgrade later if needed...

    Check some of the vids of Adam playing - most of those are with kit supplied parts. A cheaper option to improve tone if required seems to be replacing nuts, pots and caps.

  3. #3
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Not really sure you can get pickups that do all that!??  448Gavmeister

  4. #4
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    I think Gavin may be suggesting you may be better off putting together a couple of kits.... Sounds like a real shame... I guess that will give you a couple of options from single coil to humbuckers, solid body - hollow body and potentially different tone woods... One of the great things with these kits is that there is something for everyone.

    Other thing is that even within the Hillsong team there are a range of guitars for different sounds - the guitar solo to open Mighty to Save is on a nice looking Gretsch (, there are a couple of acoustics around and it looks like a strat in the background.

    August Burns Red also seem to use a range - from Ibanez' to what looks like a Les Paul and a Tele...

  5. #5
    Ok well I have been looking at these pickups and they seem great -
    theres 3 different kinds, one for a classic rock/good clean sound, one for heavy rock, and one for metal. they are $95 each though, and theres only one dealer in aus, so im not 100% sold yet.

    If you think its wise, I'll just put together 2 kits, a les paul like im planning, and then one kinda like this
    however, there isnt a kit like that; they either have real intricate fretboard or a floyd rose. Theres not one without the floyd but with the bar still.
    so if I did the 2 builds, do you think the standard pickups would cut it, or should I splurge to get different ones?
    And where would I get a kit like the one I'm wanting?
    Thanks guys, you've been helpful so far!

  6. #6
    I put together one not expecting too much from it (I mean, it was $120. You can get single pickups for that much!) but was pretty blown away by the sound.

    I'd put together one you like and live with it for a while. If the pickups aren't cutting it, then sure, swap 'em out, but give the supplied ones a shot first.

  7. #7
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    ...and chat to about a special order for the kit you are after.....he may be able to arrange it with the factory.  448Gavmeister

  8. #8
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    Quote from phloggy on May 19, 2013, 18:16
    I put together one not expecting too much from it (I mean, it was $120. You can get single pickups for that much!) but was pretty blown away by the sound.

    I'd put together one you like and live with it for a while. If the pickups aren't cutting it, then sure, swap 'em out, but give the supplied ones a shot first.
    Agree - give the kit ones a go and then use the hard earned to buy another kit!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I expected the pickups in the Firebird kit I built last year to be a bit ordinary (not a Pitbull kit but from what I can tell very similar). Turned out they were fine and far exceeded expectations. I put a lot of effort into copper insulation of the cavities and expect this made a big difference in terms of reducing any noise etc.

    I agree with others here...give the kit pups a go first. You may be surprised.

  10. #10
    Overlord of Music
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    Aug 2012
    Check out Seymour Duncan p-rails.

    I've had my eye on these for a while, they could work for you. I've seen sets go for around $150 on ebay.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

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