Hey guys, a person by the name of Fredyen finished a Les Paul kit (not our kits!), and he did his wiring video that is short, sharp, and to me, looks very efficient!!!!
Hey guys, a person by the name of Fredyen finished a Les Paul kit (not our kits!), and he did his wiring video that is short, sharp, and to me, looks very efficient!!!!
No, not efficient at all.......
Number of basic errors in my opinion.
Callum, I cannot believe you missed two of them!
First, there is no copper sheilding in any cavity.....hence this guitar is not immune from picking up hum and the like.
Second, there is no way he strummed that chord on the guitar he showed he was wiring. He did not ground the bridge. The guitar would have gone nuts the moment he touched the strings since in turn these would not have been ground.
Third, if you are going to run long lengths of wiring from the switch to the tone and volume controls, these wires would need to be sheilded, again to minimise potential hum and radio interference otherwise your unsheilded wire acts as a radio antennae. Clearly all this is lost on the demonstrator......
I forgot to add that he forgot the ground![]()
The shielding isn't the most important thing though, the LP's made in the 50's never had any shielding, the only thing Gibson did in the 80's was forge a tin box in the shape of the control cavity that only shielded the pots!!!
I'll get in contact with him, and I'll ask what else he did!
..yeah, and in the 50's they didnt have mobile phones bleeding all over equipment in the pubs....
Callum, if you look at his website he is just a dude who makes video's of everything he does. He decided to build a kit guitar and has essentially made a video of what he did. He is hardly an authority on the subject. You probably know more than he does about building a kit guitar.
Yea, I would know so much more about this stuff than he does, at least he gave it a shot!!! He also wants people to give him ideas on what kit to build next, he should try to build a 335 style kit![]()
And, look what I found in a YouTube comment!
EDIT: guys, go to StewMac's site and click on the section with he new arrivals, they have new pup winders, lets see if Schaller learned from the previous winder!!!
I just hope he never gigs with this axe.... if he bumps a mic stand that is not properly earthed he may disappear in a puff of smoke!
This kind of false information gives me the tom tits as it is actually quite dangerous. :?
I was thinking there was something very, very important missing when I saw the video....Quote from dingobass on May 6, 2013, 21:26
I just hope he never gigs with this axe.... if he bumps a mic stand that is not properly earthed he may disappear in a puff of smoke!
Hey guys just got a question about wiring. I know you need to ground to the bridge and I can see where the wire goes through so do I just have to solider the wire onto the bridge post or?
Thanks guys
Exactly right! DB's a genius!/<\\/p>[]<\\/p>/Quote from dingobass on October 3, 2013, 21:20
Just strip 20mm of the coating off and solder the wire.
then make sure the stripped end is poking through the hole so when you press the post in it makes good contact.![]()