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Thread: James RC-1

  1. #1
    Just received these photos from James (Jimbob_Stone), who is the first customer to complete one of our RC-1 "Rickenbacker" style kits.

    He's gone for a "simple" (his words) french polish, which I think looks amazing. Not bad a for his first attempt.

    Hopefully he can visit this thread and tell us a bit more about the build.




  2. #2
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wow, that looks pretty damn sexy there!!!

  3. #3
    James is still having trouble logging on but he sent me this info:

    "The build took 3 evenings and Anzac Day Public Holiday to complete, there are atleast 15 coats of French Polish, I should have learned how to French Polish before starting but I was far too impatient. Always make sure the lid is on the Bottle before shaking it too by the way.

    The best application was with a wadded cotton cloth, the brush was too uneven for my liking perhaps it wasn't soft enough.

    I followed the soldering guides as closely as possible although no expert my family has a Plumbing background so I wasn't totally unaware how to solder.

    Wasn't sure whether to apply polish inside the hollow but thought I probably shouldn't.

    Still have no Idea what the small triangle of Black Plastic was for and working out which were the first and second strings in the unpackaged group was difficult for a novice like me.

    The Neck and Back photos will follow I just cant get them to load for some reason, alas the back is already showing signs that I use the guitar."




  4. #4
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Those 15 coats of FP worked very well for him!!!
    Everyone seems to get confused as to what the triangle-thing is... Have you told him it's a truss rod cover?????

  5. #5
    Haha, that's hilarious. I was racking my brain trying to think what the triangular bit of plastic was for; thinking it was part of the complicated Rickenbacker pickguard assembly... of course, it's the truss rod cover... D'uh!

    Well done Callum.

    James, if you're reading this, the plastic triangular bit covers the truss rod opening on the headstock. Just screw it on.



  6. #6
    That thing looks great. I might have to put one on my want list.

  7. #7
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Mindarie, Western Australia
    Quote from adam on May 4, 2013, 14:18

    "The build took 3 evenings and Anzac Day Public Holiday to complete, there are atleast 15 coats of French Polish, I should have learned how to French Polish before starting but I was far too impatient. Always make sure the lid is on the Bottle before shaking it too by the way.

    The best application was with a wadded cotton cloth, the brush was too uneven for my liking perhaps it wasn't soft enough.

    Still have no Idea what the small triangle of Black Plastic was for and working out which were the first and second strings in the unpackaged group was difficult for a novice like me.
    Hi James

    I have had a look at the pictures of your guitar and i dont want you to take the following as criticism.

    You only took three evenings and an Anzac day to finish your guitar. DB, Myself and others would nomally allow that length of time between coats. The finish also seems to look a bit rough and I wonder if you applied the Shellac too heavily or too soon between coats. French polishing should take you many many hours to get a good finish and the application is done applying very small amounts and rubbing this into the wood until it has all soaked in. This may well also be the reason why that now that you are trying to play an uncured guitar that the Shellac is rubbing off so fast.

    Gav  448Gavmeister

  8. #8
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Yea, after re-reading the post, 5 coats per day is way too fast!!!
    The colour is pretty noice though, suits the Axe pretty well!

  9. #9
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Mindarie, Western Australia
    Quote from keloooe on May 4, 2013, 19:02
    The colour is pretty noice though, suits the Axe pretty well!
    That's Bug-poop for ya!  448Gavmeister

  10. #10
    I like the colour, but it's a pity you didn't shape the headstock. The Rick style is a pretty simple shape and doesn't take long to do, would have given that extra touch to the guitar.

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